Boost your business sales through
Search Engine Optimisation
UK Based team of 40+ SEO experts
Achieve high Google ranking
Fully transparent live reporting available
From just £200 / month
We’re not hidden away in a bedroom working in our underpants or some anonymous online only service from some far off land. We’re in your community – local to you. We are your local, trusted SEO experts.
We are also experienced in creating targetted landing pages and automated sales funnel systems to convert those incoming leads into paying customers.
Being UK based means you can actually meet us face to face for a chat, give us a call, drop us an email or jump on a video call. Let’s start a conversation and see about increasing your online presence.
First though, you might be wondering “What is Search Engine Optimisation and why should I care?”
Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO is essentially the art of making Google ‘like’ your website. If Google likes your website it will display your website to your customers, above your competitors, based on a lot of measurements.
We all want to rank as highly as possible when people search for terms relevant to our business or our website. It goes without saying right? Because it makes it more likely we get more traffic and therefore more likely we generate enquiries and orders.
Of course, we can pay to be at the top of Google and there is a place for that. But long term, that can be an expensive way to push traffic onto your website. Wouldn’t it be better if you could get traffic from search results without having to pay for every click? Of course it would!
Well, there are things we can do to help Google and other search engines prioritise your website so that rankings improve over time as a result. SEO is complex though and it changes all the time. But we like to make it as transparent as possible.
Put very simply it all boils down to two things that you need to get right…. Relevance and Authority:
Are you useful to the user?
Can Google easily read your website and does it think the content is good enough and relevant enough? Because making your site technically and structurally as easy to view for search engines as possible will help improve your online presence.
But don’t forget your readers. Making sure the information on your site is relevant and useful for what people are searching for, and that they enjoy the user experience, is just as important.
All this is known generally as ‘on-page’ Search Engine Optimisation.
How we can help:
Fixing ongoing technical errors
Making content relevant to search terms
Improving site speed and security
Maintaining the website
… and so much more!
Are you credible to the user?
How much do search engines like Google, trust your website? Because this ‘authority’ determines where you rank. So the more others link to your site and your content, the more trusted you are. This is what is generally known as ‘off-page’ Search Engine Optimisation. Both ‘on-page’ and ‘off-page’ SEO are an ongoing commitment of resource.
In conclusion, Search Engine Optimisation is actually just a slang term for a collection of best practices – website development, digital marketing, content creation, social media, PR, and so on.
It’s all these things done well, done consistently, that will get you results.
How we can help:
Building backlinks
Improving domain authority
Improving backlink quality
Social amplification
… and so much more!
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